in Create a character, RPG

Thirty-one character challenge – Let’s get started!

I’m starting late because I got confused about which day was the first of January and my plan requires me to have the week’s characters done by the weekend so I can do a system shakedown at the weekend.

Week One – Back to the dungeon

We’re starting the New Year with a smattering of traditional Fantasy Games, though not the traditional fantasy game, because there’s not much to say about character creation in it that hasn’t been said a hundred times before.

We’ll be looking at Green Ronin’s Fantasy Age, the Talisman Adventures RPG (based on the board game, currently in Licensing limbo again, though I think Cubicle 7 might be getting it soon), Mazes, Best Left Buried, and Dragonbane.

  • Fantasy Age
  • Talisman Adventures
  • Mazes
  • Best Left Buried
  • Dragonbane

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