in Create a character, Fantasy, RPG

31 day characters – Dragonbane

Dragonbane from Free League is a modern version of venerable Swedish RPG Drakar och Demoner, or Dragons and Demons.  I don’t know how close to the original game the new system is.

The system is a skill based d20 roll under with some heritage from Free League’s Forbidden Lands RPG in the form of conditions, Heroic Abilities, and an optional rule to push rolls by taking conditions.

Character creation uses random stat generation – 4d6, drop lowest and then assign to suit.  Then you pick race and class; races are the usual plus Wolfkin and Mallards.  The bestiary adds a lot more playable races.  The classes set your starting skills, gear, and which heroic abilty you start with, but are otherwise non-prescriptive.

Character advancement is BRP style – roll over the rating of skills that you rolled a 1 or 20 on when trying to use, or that you put an advancement tick against at the end of the session.

I rolled pretty poorly for my character; on the plus side if he survives, his skills will advance quite reliably for a while.

Would I play?

Yes, though maybe not Celestian simply because his low skills would make him a bit frustrating.