in Create a character, Fantasy, RPG

31 day character – Talisman Adventures

Talisman adventures is an RPG based on the venerable boardgame, Talisman.  It uses a 3d6 + Attribute system, and looks pretty simple to play.

Character creation involves picking your Ancestry – options being Dwarf, Elf, Ghoul, Human, Leywalker (magical beings), Sprites, or Trolls – and then your Class – Assassin, Druid, Minstrel, Priest, Prophet, Scout, Sorcerer, Thief, Warrior, Wizard.

Your Ancestry gives you some special abilities and a couple of skills, whilst your class gives you the bulk of your skills and abilities, and the base levels for your Strength and Craft attributes.  Once you have your Strength and Craft values, each of them is multiplied by two, and the points split between the three sub-attributes which are actually used for skill checks.

Finally you get two free Skill or Focus (skill specialisations) picks to round out your characters.

I’ve made Daisy Brightwebs, a Commoner Sprite Minstrel; key abilities are that she can fly, talk to trees and plants, cast Nature magic, try to persuade animals or people to become followers, and inspire her allies.

The spells I picked were Alchemy (turn stuff into gold coins for a few hours), Gust of Wind, and Speed (to help get away from people who’s gold has turned back into pebbles)

Do I want to play Daisy?

Yes; the setting has a sort of off-kilter fairy tale feel to it, and whilst there were few sourcebooks released, there’s a lot of potential to mine the actual boardgame for adventures and NPCs.